cppcon 2019 (1)

В прошлом году я ничего не писал о CPPCON пока не посмотрел все лекции.
В этом году я не стану дожидаться ишачей пасхи, а буду выкладывать ссылки Just-in-Time.

https://youtu.be/ejF6qqohp3M — Sean Parent “Relationships” (in code)
Эта русская гардеробщица с постным лицом божественна. Не знаю, где ее отыскал Шон, но я постарался и тоже нарыл: https://s.ukropen.net/groups/00001/2045/photos/141b964fbabe7cf2fcfa.jpg

https://youtu.be/FJJTYQYB1JQ — Andrei Alexandrescu “Performance”
С шуточками и прибауточками улучшает сортировку а потом исподволь топит за design by introspection.


В этом году трудовыебудни меня совсем утомили, а количество лекций превысило все разумные пределы.
Сверху lightning talks — пятиминутки, потом top-12 полнометражек.
За ними все остальное в порядке интереса (субъективно, фигли).

P.S. 😦 ДО cppcon 2019 всего два месяца, а мне еще ACCU смотреть местами.

Interesting lightning talks:

TOP-12 must haves

Herb Sutter “Thoughts on a more powerful and simpler C++ (5 of N)”
Warnings for danglings, metaclasses.

Hana Dusíková “Compile Time Regular Expressions”
Regex that are not only compile-time, but also faster to compile and run than std::regex

Louis Dionne “Compile-time programming and reflection in C++20 and beyond
Constexpr everything: try/catch, allocations, virtual calls — at compile time. Compile time reflection. Code injection (see Sutter)

Erik Valkering “Smart References: There and Back Again
This library has it all — smart references, mixins, proxies for std containers, universal call syntax…

G. Nishanov “Nano-coroutines to the Rescue!
How co-routines can solve latency bottlenecked problems (e.g. prefetch).

R. Leahy “The Networking TS: Testable, Composable Asynchronous I/O in C++
Good showcasing of the networking TS, and how it drives you to do the right thing. Also, spectacular presentation skills!

Easy::Jit: A Just-in-Time compilation library for C++
(re)running compilation at runtime for your functions as easy as std::bind-ing them

Interactive C++ Compilation (REPL) Done in a Tiny and Embeddable Way
Yes, both embeddable and interactive should be the mainstream. This is another “better than nothing” attempt.

Custom Overload Sets and Inline SFINAE for Truly Generic Interfaces
Great machinery for simpler overload sets (pattern matching -ish?) Always wanted to multiple inherit from the anonymous classes behind lambdas!

Olivier Giroux “High-Radix Concurrent C++”
Fun with new cuda (volta, turing) — can build tries!

Jean-Louis Leroy “Open is Good – yomm2: Fast, Orthogonal Open Methods”
Describes open methods — alternative to runtime polymorphism via virtual methods. No need for visitor pattern or clumsy multi-methods.

Andrei Alexandrescu “Expect the expected”
Always a pleasure to watch, even if it is a recycled talk. About std::expected
We’d really like “monadic continuation” here in the future.
Bonus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=os7cqJ5qlzo Sutter’s proposal from ACCU http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/p0709r0.pdf

More good talks

Matt Godbolt “The Bits Between the Bits: How We Get to main()”
Some must-knows around code generation and linking

Nir Friedman “Understanding Optimizers: Helping the Compiler Help You”
Some observations and a couple useful patterns for aiding optimization.

Robert Ramey “Safe Numerics”
Compile time/Runtime safe integer arithmetic

Arno Schoedl “Range-Based Text Formatting For a Future Range-Based Standard Library”
Good observations on iterating, ranges, containers. Alternative ranges lib.

Arno Lepisk “Avoiding Disasters with Strongly Typed C++”
How would you use strong typedefs and units

Titus Winters “Modern C++ Design
Guidelines for using (modern) C++, another call for regular(ish) types.

Arthur O’Dwyer “Concepts As She Is Spoke”
Yet another talk about concepts with non-binding promises.

Walter E. Brown “C++ Function Templates: How Do They Really Work?”
Covering function templates with single template parameter. Thoroughly.

Simon Brand “How to Write Well-Behaved Value Wrappers”
Class design (esp. templated) is more or less broken from c++11 to c++20.

Jason Turner “Applied Best Practices”
Jason Turner is eating his own dogfood trying to apply the things he teaches in his project. constexpr everything 😉

What do you mean “thread-safe”?
Surprisingly coherent discussion of flavors of thread-safety. Just 30 minutes.

Jon Cohen “Ensuring Exception Safety Through Testing”
Testing for exception safety (not for exception throwing). In abseil, soon in googletest.

Bob Steagall “Fast Conversion From UTF-8 with C++, DFAs, and SSE Intrinsics”
^ see title.

Fabian Renn-Giles “A Semi Compile/Run-time Map with (Nearly) Zero Overhead Lookup”
Useful in some domains (e.g., embedded) if all/most keys are known at compile time.

Frozen data structures in C++14
Compile time maps/sets

Richard Powell “Named Arguments from Scratch”
Live demo showing how to implement something useful (named args) with meta-programming and boost::Hana

Steven Simpson “Source Instrumentation for Monitoring C++ in Production”
motivational — adding metrics to code

Titus Winters “Standard Library Compatibility Guidelines (SD-8)”
Tips on writing code, s.t., the next language standard doesn’t break you.
If you don’t like Titus (why would you not?) just read https://isocpp.org/std/standing-documents/sd-8-standard-library-compatibility

Phil Nash “Modern C++ Testing with Catch2”
Testing framework, arguably more fun to use than gtest.

Alastair Rankine “Tools and Techniques for Testing Callbacks Using Standard C++”
Testing/mocking via std::function and lambdas

Chandler Carruth “Spectre: Secrets, Side-Channels, Sandboxes, and Security”
Security issues in a post-spectre world

Datum: A Compact Bitwise Copyable Variant Type
This abomination could be only created in Bloomberg. Mildly useful compact variant (hides types insided NAN of a double).

Jason Turner “Surprises in Object Lifetime”
How you may end up with a dangling object.

Kostya Serebryany “Memory Tagging and how it improves C/C++ memory safety”
Memory tagging as an alternative to address sanitizer. If only Intel and AMD supported in hardware.

Peter Sommerlad “Woes of Scope Guards and Unique_Resource
how to fail writing a generic scope guard for years

C++ Dependency Management: from Package Consumption to Project Development
Unlike his other talk this one is of some interest — presents build2 system for build/deploy

Stephan T. Lavavej “Class Template Argument Deduction for Everyone”
STL talks about class template deduction. Not really for everyone, mostly for library writers.

Timur Doumler “Class template argument deduction in C++17”
Another talk on CTAD. 25% on how to do it. 75% on how to make it do the right thing or disable it.

“What Could Possibly Go Wrong?: A Tale of Expectations and Exceptions”
Again about getting exceptions closer to error codes, optionals, variants, std::expected. With a twist by Herb Sutter.

Less interesting stuff here. Cherry pick, or ask me for details

“DynaMix: A New Take on Polymorphism”
Runtime mixins for C++. Nothing interesting before 20:00

“Why and How to Roll Your Own std::function Implementation”
Been there, done that.

Greg Law “Debugging Linux C++”
A few tips for better debugging (gdb, valgrind, sanitizers, p/f/s-trace) in linux

Simon Brand “How C++ Debuggers Work”
Well presented, but only if you really want to know how debuggers (lldb) work (on linux).

Patrice Roy “Pessimistic Programming”
What to do when the non-happy path needs to be as fast or as predictable as happy path. Also bonus slides on data-invariant algs.

JeanHeyd Meneide “Scripting at the Speed of Thought: Lua and C++ with sol3”
Nice and modern library for integrating with Lua. If you need it.

Adi Shavit “The Salami Method for Cross Platform Development”
A demonstration of a technique for providing cross platform/language wrappers for your C++ code. Similar to what we call here “the hourglass”.

Ilya Biryukov “Clangd: architecture of a scalable C++ language server”
Language server for C++, enables code completion for any editor supporting the protocol (vi, emacs, vscode, atom…) Tried it, nice!

Arthur O’Dwyer “Return Value Optimization: Harder Than It Looks”
Can we trust compiler to do copy ellision? To do implicit move? More important, can we trust ourselves to know it without testing?

Boris Kolpackov “What to Expect from a Next-Generation C++ Build System”
Not too convincing breakdown of things we need for next-gen c++ build system

Damien Buhl “C++ Everywhere with WebAssembly”
Interesting usages of c++ -> webasm. More cool than useful at times.

Michael Gopshtein “CUDA Kernels with C++”
How to C++ Cuda

Simon Brand “Overloading: The Bane of All Higher-Order Functions”
Rant about the mess around passing functionals (of all sorts) as parameters succinctly and reasonably.

Ben Deane “Easy to Use, Hard to Misuse: Declarative Style in C++”
Will teach you how to get rid of: loops, ifs, statements

Funqual: user-defined statically-checked call graph constraints in C++
Allows tagging categories of functions and verifying direct/indirect calls. A bit like aspects on call graph.

“Multi-Precision Arithmetic for Cryptology in C++, at Run-Time and at Compile-Time”
yet another big-int (modulo Q) tailored to crypto, with proven const time operations

UEFI Applications With Modern C++
Generic wrappers for C uefi API (mainly)

Kris Jusiak “State Machines Battlefield – Naive vs STL vs Boost”
Comparing different approaches and libraries to (declarative) state machines writing.

Effective replacement of dynamic polymorphism with std::variant
Talks about replacing virtual-methods based dynamic polymorphism with visiting a variant. But only gives an example of state machine.

CppCon 2018: Mark Elendt “Patterns and Techniques Used in the Houdini 3D Graphics Application ”
Nothing really until 36:43. A couple of mildly interesting patterns for high perf.

Victor Ciura “Regular Types and Why Do I Care ?”
Stepanov’s legacy. Regular types, comparators, equivalence…

Serge Guelton “C++ in Elvenland”
elf binary format and how to get useful info from it

Meson Build System”
Friendly build system. If you ask “why would we need another one”, see his other talk.

Build Systems: a Simple Solution to a Complicated Problem
Look ma, another build system (evoke)

Robert Schumacher “Don’t package your libraries, write packagable libraries!”
title ^

Timur Doumler & Dmitry Kozhevnikov “Parsing C++”
Another Jet Brains talk about how hard it is to parse C++

Greg Falcon “Initialization, Shutdown, and constexpr”
Another foot-shooting discussion of initialization in (modern) C++

Nicolai Josuttis “The Nightmare of Initialization in C++”
A thorough rant about uniform and not so uniform init, initializer lists, almost-always-auto

Stephen Dewhurst “Talking to Typelists”
Remember how fun it was back in 2003 to play with lists of types, following Alexandrescu? Rethinking algorithms on types.

Andrew Sutton Concepts in 60
A mediocre presentation of concepts from someone that should have know better.

Kate Gregory “Simplicity: Not Just For Beginners”
Philosophy of simplicity, uncle Bob style.
Kate Gregory “What Do We Mean When We Say Nothing At All?”

JF Bastien “Signed integers are two’s complement”
A proposal to stop the madness and make proper definition for signed ints in C++ and C — http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/p0907r4.html

Sean Parent “Better Code: Human Interface”
Not much about algorithms this time (does mention rotate a couple of time)

“The Landscape and Exciting New Future of Safe Reclamation for High Performance”
RCU and hazard pointers, only if you care (knowledge of the subject required)

Save $$ Testing Code the Playback-Based Way
Framework for instrumenting every call, storing arguments, swizzling pointers.
Too much boilerplate and inheriting from their base classes.

Ben Deane “Operator Overloading: History, Principles and Practice”
Making the case for overloading operators and using user defined literals to create DSLs.

Odin Holmes “Concurrency Challenges of Interrupt Service Routines”
A useful discussion of interrupt related concurrency issues for embedded systems (mainly)

Andrei Zlate-Podani “Engineering Software: integral types”
“numbers” are historically broken in C and C++.

Dan Saks “Making New Friends”
A few shenanigans with using friends for binary operators in templated code.

Richard Powell “How to Argue(ment)”
How to pass stuff to functions.

Marshall Clow “Development strategies
Marshall with his biased perspective on writing and deploying libs. Test, test, and test.

Guy Davidson “Lightweight 2D graphics with io2d”

Let’s Intercept OpenGL Function Calls
How to intercept/instrument calls a library (e.g., opengl) makes

Crafting EDSL In C++ using Metaprogramming, Operator Overloading, & Lambda Expressions
General pointers to create compile time edsl with operator overloading

“Emulating the Nintendo 3DS: Generative & Declarative Programming in Action”
Not really about emulating Nintedo, just showing some techniques for declarative programming.

“Concepts and Contracts: When, What, and How”
Not too detailed description of concepts and contracts (WIP)

OOP Is Dead, Long Live Data-oriented Design
Not too convincing case for using struct of arrays vs. array of structs.

Writing Standard Library Compliant Data Structures and Algorithms
Guidelines for making your algs/data structs more STL like

Frederic Tingaud “A Little Order: Delving into the STL sorting algorithms”
Some benchmarks comparing sort, partial_sort, nth_element etc.

Patricia Aas “Software Vulnerabilities in C and C++”
Classical vulnerabilities in our code. Too slow.

“Co- and Contra-: Adding a Little Variance”
All this can fit in one slide: what can we do so that vector can be converted to vector

Fedor Pikus “Design for Performance”
Nothing too interesting, Shame, usually, Fedor has great talks.

Alan Talbot “Moving Faster: Everyday efficiency in modern C++”
Many mildly useful truisms about performance

Michael Caisse “Modern C++ in Embedded Systems
Mostly interesting for people wanting to cross-compile C++ and test with Docker for embedded.

Early Modern C++: How to Handle a C++03 Codebase
Trivial explanations on backporting modern C++ to 03

Using Compile-time Code Generation to build an LLVM IR Pattern Matcher
Not too inspiring example of coding for llvm or of meta-programming.

Jon Cohen & Matt Kulukundis “Touring the Tips of the Week Series”
Googlers in togas talk about a couple of abseil tips of the week for 20 mins. Just read the tips instead.

Victor Ciura “These Aren’t the COM Objects You’re Looking For”
Windows, COM, nobody cares

“Secure Coding Best Practices: Your First Line Is The Last Line Of Defense
Boring and not too informative 2 parts on vulnerabilities


В этом году cppcon у меня идет совсем медленно, но я не сдаюсь.
Досмотрю и отчитаюсь.

А пока, по наводке Саттера, небольшое обзор вариантов реализации корутин.


Нишановский вариант таки попадет в с++20 осторожное “ура” и всяких удач Гору на этом тернистом пути.